IFT is home to three taught Master's programmes and a PHD. We have a substantial research portfolio in digital finance and alternative investment and all our students can benefit from extensive links to world leading industry in London and internationally, state-of-the-art facilities at UCL and our esteemed teaching staff who are experts in their fields. 

Teaching at IFT is unique, since it is delivered by both academic and industry experts. We believe this provides students with the best of both worlds, providing a rigorous foundation of key theories and concepts, and consolidating this with an understanding of real-world applications. 

The past decade has seen a dramatic growth of start up eco systems and huge shifts across the world of business. With this comes a growing demand for Private Equity and Venture Capital - a new class of investors that help businesses at every stage of their existence. Our MSc programme is the first in the world to match the emerging field of Financial Technology with the study of Private Capital, bridging the gap between finance, technology and new business models. The Msc examines how business models are impacted and driven by information and communication technology and the role of private capital to assist and fully implement their potential.

This programme focuses on three key pillars: venture capital; private markets; and FinTech start-ups. These three financial pillars are studied in combination; with comparisons and links drawn between them throughout the programme.


  • Fundamentals of Venture Capital and Private Equity
  • Portfolio Management and Asset Allocation in Private Equity and Venture Capital
  • Start up and Innovative Business Modelling


  • Venture Capital
  • Private Equity
  • Financial Technology
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Analytics
  • Business Modelling
  • Francesca Romana Medda, FICE
    Professor of Applied Economics and Finance
    Francesca Romana Medda is a Professor of Applied Economics and Finance at the University College London (UCL). She is the Director of UCL Institute of Finance and Technology. The research and teaching in UCL Institute of Finance & Technology are focused mainly on three key areas of interest of Prof Medda and her group: digital finance, impact and sustainable finance and urban and infrastructure investments. Since 2012 she serves as economic adviser to the UK Ministry of Environment and Agriculture (Defra) and in 2014 at the Ministry of Finance (HM Treasury). She is Vice-President of the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee. Her work is published in leading academic and practitioner journals. She has worked and works actively with the private and public sector including The European Investment Bank, The World Bank, UNESCO, UN-Habitat, WILLIS Re, HALCROW, and UITP. She has hold several grants, two of which pertain to the application of complexity analysis in the real world, co-Investigator in the £6.2m EPSRC Programme Grant “Liveable Cities” and the £5.8m grant “New Business for Infrastructure Investments”. A present she runs the EU Horizon 2020 grant CLIC (Circular models Leveraging Investment in Cultural Heritage)


  • "The programme pushed me to reach potential I didn't know I had, especially in terms of technical skills. I cam in not very confident in my programming skills but I came out securing a job as a data analytics engineer."Keisi Mancellari MSc Student (2021/22)


  • Sponsor a PHD student
    If you would like one of our students to apply their learning in the real world, why not sponsor a PHD. Sponsorship costs £20k and the IP will be yours.